The impediments of Yoga Sadhana

by | May 17, 2024

Each one of us must have asked ourselves and to think about once own “life and its goal”, apart from being successful/failure/householder/renounced in this life. Though some of us are well versed in philosophy/qualified in our field and became moral agent/ professional but could not solve our own problems, some of us are confused and thus think, should do/should not and some of us are not passionate about it and thereby regret at some point in later.

The Yoga subject has charisma and pragmatic and can change the lifestyle for all those who are really seeking to walk with gathering enthusiasm and ‘discipline individual lives’, no matter in which profession we are (Teacher, Engineer, Salesman, Hotelier, Doctor, Artists, Yogi and so on).

The pursuit of Mantras and Shlokas have been our ‘guiding light in terms of Meditation in all the times’, which we have received from our ancestors and still have values in the modern era, it can give us so many of lessons, which cannot be taught and learnt in the modern universities and schools, but our parents, grandparents and spiritual teachers could share with us to live peacefully.

The Shlokas of Hatha Yoga taught us and bring our attention to “Badhaka tattvas” after entering into ‘Hatha Yoga Sadhna’, so that we can eager to live life holistically and simultaneously prepare ourselves for Dharna, Dhyana and Samadhi (for individual’s daily Sadhna and self enquiring).

Hatha Yoga Pradipika chapter 1.15th throw the light on “Badhaka tattvas” (Badhaka means impediment/causes failure and tattvas refers to the living with authenticity/elements).

The impediments which are avoided by Hatha Yogis and Spiritual Traditions are:

  1. Atyahara that is overeating or eating more than required.

In terms of practicing daily Hatha Yoga Sadhna, the units of energy is required, overeating demands a lot of energy consumption (digestive fire) to digest the food in the stomach and intestine, it terminates practitioner energy into ‘Tamsik state’ (laziness/drowsiness). If there is no control in habit of overeating, further this can cause digestive problems i.e. acidity, constipation, indigestion, heaviness, and chest burning etc. My reckon is If Yoga practitioner only will waist his/her energy here or in solving the problems by doing “Shatkriyas” (six cleansing practices) and “Asanas” (refers here to remedial postures) than what is left for us to do the further Sadhna.

There is a special quote in the ‘Bhagwad Gita’; Bhagvan Krishna tells to Arjuna the personality of a Yogi. Yoga is neither for those who overeats and nor who does not eat at all, neither for those who sleeps all the time and nor who remains awake most of his time.

Briefly in the nutshell, ‘a Yogi must eat to live, do not live to eat’. The sense organ ‘tongue’ and the ‘brain’ should not overwhelm the primary ‘self-discipline’ and should not act like a ‘Greedy Dog’, just by seeing the pieces of cookies and bread. The great Hatha Yogi Swatma Rama says, the food should be Sattvic and consumed ¾ of our stomach, in which ¼ part of stomach left empty for the gasses and digesting purpose. A Yogi who follows up such appropriate diets during the life course, thus it is known as Mitahara Yogi (mita means moderate and ahara is consumption of Sattvic Food).

  1. Prayasa refers to Exertion, over-attempting. The fact is that a Yoga seeker should avoid exertion by physical-mental exercises, one thing you should know I am not discussing here “Yoga teacher training program”, as the programs are held for short duration, with various types of people, different background, I am empathically discussing personal self-practice for daily Sadhna.

The over attempting of physical and mental exercises results to strengthen the state of Rajo-guna (capriciousness) or Tamo-guna (lethargy/exertion), therefore along with this, over attempting can also cause life time imbalances to the organic body i.e. the joints pain, muscles pain, injury, mental turmoil, and psychological stuff. I guess, Hatha Yoga means not just to practice any styles of Asana and Pranayama for one or two hours, it is like fabulous but as well as discussed and planed practice from the competent teachers is recommended.

Hatha Yoga leads to stimulate the Pancha-prana (five chambers of vital forces), to exhilarate the Nadis (energy channel), bring balances between Ida and Pingla (Body and mind), expand the lifespan, thinking capacity, the will power and finally journey towards for self-realizing/salvation. Therefore, a Yoga seeker should avoid exertion and must be devoted to under experienced Guru to have continues guidance and blessings.

  1. Prajalpa means talkativeness, useless talk. The former president of India Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam has quoted that ‘silence is better than the meaningless words. A person who is having a tendency/habit of talkativeness waists energy and time physically and mentally of one-selves and others as well.

The habit of being talkativeness also increases the contact directory with people, therefore a person is involved him/her physically, mentally to judge others, causing acid/poison in the brain/mind. The Hatha Yoga practitioner, who is involved in arena of personal Sadhna, should avoid Prajalpa which makes seeker mind extroverted, distracted from Sadhna and caught in the lust, anger, attachment, greed, jealousy, fragile pride and so on.

  1. Niyamagrah means do not follow the given rules and regulation blindly. I have heard the story of swami from Rishikesh. He was doing a Tapa Sadhna (Austerity) followed by daily ‘holy Ganga bath’ in every morning and evening, he was devoted to his practice without missing any single day, he used to set with his half body under the cold water and half body above, for an hour to chant mantras.

He practiced for years and faces all seasons. But later on, he analyzed that his daily workout of Sadhna has given negative effects on his limbs, later he stopped regular bath and instead of, he used to take occasional bath In Holy Ganga River.

One day in his discourse he told to his Sadhakas what if Sadhna, rules, and regulation becomes an obstacle? He said do not to stick with any rules or Sadhna which is useless and creates conflict in progress. The rules are meant to create a peaceful atmosphere, harmony with others and progress, if the same rules become the barrier in once Sadhna, we should immediately stop and ask to the senior or guru for the further guidance. I reckon ‘Niyamas’ are encouragements for the individual practice, if it is scientific and practical, and also lead to impedes, if practiced blindly and non-scientific ways.

  1. Jansangha means a bit much with public contacts and connection with worldly minded person. There are two kinds of people in our life, one who will motivate us to achieve the goal (Mundane or spiritual, both are required intense practice and true guidance and connections) and such people are very few in our life, and second one who will catch your weak nerve and will be pushing you away from the success, no matter they might be your close friend/relative/unknown. It all happens because of ignorance of ourselves/those with whom we spend unnecessary time. I guess, in very few people have understanding how to discriminate and remain concentrated, just not only to discriminate, but also act to the hindrance in terms of saying ‘NO’ to the friends/family person/relatives and so on. We are highly emotional being and mind changer in terms of Human and therefore being under pressure to fulfill our/others stupid desires. Therefore, Yoga tradition recommend us to minimize our contact list and be focused to Antaranga Sadhna (increase self-practice intensity and arrange time to think how better we could be) in our free time. No matter how socially busy we are, how big our friend list is, in how big family we live, arrange time, and have faith in your Guru words and to the given instruction.
  1. Laulya means flicker mind, being greedy for the mundane life. The most vicious is the sixth impediment Laulya (flicker minded/monkey minded nature). If our first five practices of “avoid” are going well during our course of Sadhna, then the sixth one remains temporarily muted, since the food for mind is stopped, but still mind can flicker and can take us many months or years behind in our practice/can cause stoppage and harm.

The competent Yogis and Gurus knew these impediments in their student, that is what some time they are strict with us, giving extra task then the other student, engage us in Karma Yoga to channelize our high frequency energy into right direction, being soft and silent and so on. All these acts by the Gurus, helps flicker minded student to be hold with their own will power (Sattva+Rajas = Wise thought with action) and witness the change within. Trust me the competent Guru is rough and hard outside, sensitive, and merciful inside. Thus, there is no doubt, if a student of Yoga is honestly engaged with Gurus Instruction on Hatha Yoga-angas, then the mind will have to become slave of your will power, the great benefits of health and success will be achieved, practitioner will get the spiritual progress with Santosha (contentment).


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