Sutra 2.15
परिणामतापसंस्कारदुःखैर्गुणवृत्तिविरोधाच्च दुःखमेव सर्वं विवेकिनः।
Pariṇāma-tāpa-saṁskāra-duḥkhair guṇa-vṛttivirodhāchcha duḥkham eva sarvam vivekinaḥ
Sutra 2.15
Pariṇāma-tāpa-saṁskāra-duḥkhair guṇa-vṛttivirodhāchcha duḥkham eva sarvam vivekinaḥ
pari-ṇāma : mutation, alteration, mutative process, result, effect, process of effecting, change, consequence
tāpa : burning, pain, suffering, torment, misery, anxiety, anguish
saṁskāra : impressions, imprints upon the unconscious mind, subliminal impressions
duḥkhaiḥ : by, because of, sorrows, sorrowfulness – Because of suffering in consequence, anguish and [gathering of] impressions
guṇa : guṇas of prakṛti
vṛtti : operations, functioning
virodhāt : through, because of, opposition, contrariety, conflictive nature, contradictory processes – because of conflict [inherent in the] operations of guṇas
cha : and
duḥkham : pain, sorrow, suffering
eva : only, alone
sarvaṁ : all, everything
vi-vekinaḥ : to one endowed wih Discernment, to one who has attained discriminating wisdom
Sutra Meaning :
To one who has gained Discernment and discriminating wisdom (vivekin), all is only pain because of consequences and effects (pari-ṇāma), anguish and torment (tāpa), and [continous forming of] saṁskāras; and because of [inherent] conflict [always experienced] among the guṇas [in the course of] their operations.
सूत्र २.१५
परिणामतापसंस्कारदुःखैर्गुणवृत्तिविरोधाच्च दुःखमेव सर्वं विवेकिनः।
पदच्छेद एवं शब्दार्थ –
परिणाम + ताप + संस्कार + दुःखैः : परिणामदुःख, तापदुःख, और संस्कारदुःख
गुण + वृत्ति + विरोधात् : (तीनों) गुणों की वृत्तियों में परस्पर विरोध होने के कारण
दुःखम् + एव : दुःखरूप ही होते हैं
सर्वं : सभी (कर्मफल)
विवेकिनः : विवेकी के लिये ॥
सूत्रार्थ –
परिणामदुःख, तापदुःख, और संस्कारदुःखों के कारण, एवं गुणों की (शान्त, घोर, मूढ़ रूप) वृत्तियों में परस्पर विरोध होने के कारण विवेकी के लिये (जन्म्, आयु और भोगरूप) सभी कर्मफल दुःखरूप ही होते हैं।
Sutra 2.15
Pariṇāma-tāpa-saṁskāra-duḥkhair guṇa-vṛttivirodhāchcha duḥkham eva sarvam vivekinaḥ
Sutra Meaning :
Per uno che ha acquisito discernimento e saggezza discriminante (vivekin), tutto è solo dolore a causa di conseguenze ed effetti (pari-ṇāma), angoscia e tormento (tāpa), e [formazione continua di] saṁskāras; e a causa di [inerente] conflitto [sempre sperimentato] tra i guṇa [nel corso delle] loro operazioni.
Sutra 2.15
Pariṇāma-tāpa-saṁskāra-duḥkhair guṇa-vṛttivirodhāchcha duḥkham eva sarvam vivekinaḥ
pari-ṇāma : mutación, alteración, cambio.
tāpa : dolor, sufrimiento, tormento, miseria, angustia.
saṁskāra : impresiones, huellas en la mente inconsciente, impresiones subliminales.
duḥkhaiḥ : debido al sufrimiento, en consecuencia de la angustia y sus impresiones.
guṇa : atributos de prakṛti
vṛtti : operaciones
virodhāt : a través, debido a, debido a la mutabilidad inherente de las fuerzas de los gunas.
cha : y
duḥkham : dolor, sufrimiento
eva : solamente
sarvaṁ : todo
vi-vekinaḥ : alguien con discernimiento y sabiduría discriminante.
Sutra Meaning : Quien ha ganado discernimiento y sabiduría discriminativa (vivekin), entiende que toda actividad y experiencia resultantes de la mutabilidad de las fuerzas de la naturaleza (gunas) y la formación continua de samskaras eventualmente causarán dolor y sufrimiento.
Sutra 2.15
Pariṇāma-tāpa-saṁskāra-duḥkhair guṇa-vṛttivirodhāchcha duḥkham eva sarvam vivekinaḥ
אולם לבעלי כושר ההבחנה הכול רק סבל, בגלל הסבל הכרוך [בתהליך] ההשתנות, בחרדה ובהטבעות וכן בתנודות המתנגשות של מצבי החומר
YOGA is a gradual transition from becoming to BEING, a journey from constantly striving and transforming to a state of PRESENCE & STILLNESS.
~ Vimal Sharma
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The English translation of the Yoga Sutras offered above is authored by H.H. Swami Veda Bharati Ji, with the Hindi translation and Sutra Chanting by Shri Vimal Sharma Ji, the Italian translation by Shri Simone Carbonadri Ji, the Spanish translation by Su-Shri Saidde Ji, and the Hebrew translation by Orit San-Gupta Ji.
To learn more about the authors, visit the 'About Us' section at the top. ∼ OM Tat Sat.
योगः समाधिः।
Yoga is Samadhi

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