Sutra 2.19
विशेषाविशेषलिंगमात्रालिंगानि गुणपर्वाणि।
Viśheṣhāviśheṣha-liṅga-mātrāliṅgani guṇaparvāṇi
Sutra 2.19
Viśheṣhāviśheṣha-liṅga-mātrāliṅgani guṇaparvāṇi
viśheṣha : particularised [devolutes]
a-viśheṣha : unparticularised [devolutes]
liṅga-mātra : mahat; the cosmic buddhi; the faculty of intelligence; mere assignation; merely a mark; assignation measured
a-liṅgāni : [and] the one without an assignation or mark; unmodified matter; unassignated matter [these are]
guṇa-parvāṇi : segments [among the conditions and devolutes] of guṇas.
Sutra Meaning :
Particularised, unparticulrised, assignation-only and the unassignated matter are the segments [among the conditions and devolutes] of guṇas.
सूत्र २.१९
विशेषाविशेषलिङ्गमात्रालिङ्गानि गुणपर्वाणि
पदच्छेद एवं शब्दार्थ –
विशेष : विशेष (अर्थात्, पञ्चभूत + एकादशइन्द्रियाँ)
अविशेष : अविशेष (अर्थात्, पञ्चतन्मात्र + अहंकार)
लिङ्गमात्र : लिङ्गमात्र (अर्थात्, महत्)
अलिङ्गानि : अलिङ्ग (अर्थात्, मूलप्रकृति)
गुणपर्वाणि : त्रिविधगुणों के विभाग (अर्थात्, अवस्थायें या परिणाम) हैं॥
सूत्रार्थ –
विशेष (अर्थात्, पञ्चभूत + एकादशइन्द्रियाँ), अविशेष (अर्थात्, पञ्चतन्मात्र + अहंकार), लिङ्गमात्र (अर्थात्, महत्), अलिङ्ग (अर्थात्, मूलप्रकृति), ये त्रिविधगुणों के विभाग (अर्थात्, अवस्थायें या परिणाम) हैं।
Sutra 2.19
Viśheṣhāviśheṣha-liṅga-mātrāliṅgani guṇaparvāṇi
Sutra Meaning :
I (devoluti) particolari, i non particolari, la materia assegnata e quella non specificata sono i segmenti [condizioni,devoluzioni] dei guṇa.
Sutra 2.19
Viśheṣhāviśheṣha-liṅga-mātrāliṅgani guṇaparvāṇi
viśheṣha: especializado, particularizado
a-viśheṣha: no especializado, no particularizado
liṅga-mātra: solo indicado, indiferenciado, apenas una marca
a-liṅgāni: sin marca, indiferenciada, sutil
guṇa-parvāṇi: segmentos, atributos de los guṇas.
Sutra Meaning :
Particularizado, no particularizado, sólo indicado y a la materia primaria irresoluble son los segmentos [entre las condiciones y devoluciones] de los gunas.
Sutra 2.19
Viśheṣhāviśheṣha-liṅga-mātrāliṅgani guṇaparvāṇi
השלבים של מצבי החומר הם: עם ייחוד, בלי ייחוד, עם סימן, בלי סימן
YOGA is a gradual transition from becoming to BEING, a journey from constantly striving and transforming to a state of PRESENCE & STILLNESS.
~ Vimal Sharma
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The English translation of the Yoga Sutras offered above is authored by H.H. Swami Veda Bharati Ji, with the Hindi translation and Sutra Chanting by Shri Vimal Sharma Ji, the Italian translation by Shri Simone Carbonadri Ji, the Spanish translation by Su-Shri Saidde Ji, and the Hebrew translation by Orit San-Gupta Ji.
To learn more about the authors, visit the 'About Us' section at the top. ∼ OM Tat Sat.
योगः समाधिः।
Yoga is Samadhi

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