Sutra 2.18

प्रकाशक्रियास्थितिशीलं भूतेंद्रियात्मकं भोगापवर्गार्थं दृश्यम्।

Prakāśha-kriyā-sthiti-śhīlaṁ bhūtendriyātmakaṁ bhogāpavargārthaṁ dṛśhyam


Sutra 2.18
Prakāśha-kriyā-sthiti-śhīlaṁ bhūtendriyātmakaṁ bhogāpavargārthaṁ

prakāśha :
light, manifestation
kriya : activity
sthiti : stasis
śhīlaṁ : [having as] nature – having as its three-fold nature the attributes of illumination, activity, and stasis
bhūta : elements
indriya : senses
ātmakaṁ : consisting of – consisting of elements and senses
bhoga : worldly enjoyment, experience
apa-varga : liberation
arthaṁ : [having as its] purpose – existing for the purpose of [the seer’s] worldly experience and liberation
dṛśhyam : object seen; apprehensible

Sutra Meaning :

The apprehensible has the [three-fold] nature of illumination, activity, and stasis; it consists of elements and senses, and exists to [serve the Apprehender’s] purpose of experience [of the world] and liberation [therefrom].

सूत्र २.१८
प्रकाशक्रियास्थितिशीलं भूतेन्द्रियात्मकं भोगापवर्गार्थं दृश्यम्।

पदच्छेद एवं शब्दार्थ –
प्रकाश : प्रकाश
क्रिया : क्रिया
स्थिति : (और) स्थिति
शीलं : स्वभाव वाले
भूत : आकाशादिपञ्चभूतों
इन्द्रिय + आत्मकं : (और) श्रोत्रादि इन्द्रियों के स्वरूप वाले
भोग ‌+ अपवर्ग : (पुरुष के लिये) भोग और अपवर्ग (मोक्ष)
अर्थं : (का सम्पादन करना ही जिसका) प्रयोजन है
दृश्यम् : (वह) दृश्य है॥

प्रकाश, क्रिया, एवं स्थिति के स्वभाव वाला, आकाशादिपञ्चभूतों तथा श्रोत्रादि इन्द्रियों के (प्रकट) स्वरूप वाला, और भोग तथा मोक्षरूपी (पुरुष के) प्रयोजन को सम्पादित करने वाला; (गुणत्रय ही) दृश्य है।

Sutra 2.18
Prakāśha-kriyā-sthiti-śhīlaṁ bhūtendriyātmakaṁ bhogāpavargārthaṁ

Sutra Meaning : 
Ciò che vuole (è da) essere appreso ha la [triplice] natura di illuminazione, attività e stasi; consiste di elementi e sensi, ed esiste per [servire] lo scopo dell’esperienza di colui che comprende (purusha) e la liberazione [dalle catene del karma].

Sutra 2.18
Prakāśha-kriyā-sthiti-śhīlaṁ bhūtendriyātmakaṁ bhogāpavargārthaṁ

prakāśha: luz, manifestación luminosa
kriyā: actividad
sthiti: estar, estabilidad
śhīlaṁ: teniendo como naturaleza los tres atributos de iluminación, actividad y estabilidad.
bhūta: elementos
indriya: sentidos
ātmakaṁ: consistiendo de elementos y sentidos
bhoga: experiencia de disfrute del mundo
apa-varga: liberación
arthaṁ: teniendo como propósito la experiencia del mundo de quien observa y su liberación
dṛśhyam: objeto observado, aprehendido.

Sutra Meaning :
Lo que se puede percibir tiene tres atributos: actividad (kriya), estabilidad (sthiti) e iluminación (prakasha) y se manifiesta a través de los elementos y órganos sensoriales con el propósito de proporcionar experiencias que conduzcan a la liberación.

Sutra 2.18
Prakāśha-kriyā-sthiti-śhīlaṁ bhūtendriyātmakaṁ bhogāpavargārthaṁ

לנראה תכונות של בהירות, פעולה ויציבות. הוא מורכב מהיסודות ומהחושים ומטרתו התנסות ושחרור

YOGA is a gradual transition from becoming to BEING, a journey from constantly striving and transforming to a state of PRESENCE & STILLNESS.

~ Vimal Sharma


Visit Any Sutra in Sadhana Pada

The English translation of the Yoga Sutras offered above is authored by H.H. Swami Veda Bharati Ji, with the Hindi translation and Sutra Chanting by Shri Vimal Sharma Ji, the Italian translation by Shri Simone Carbonadri Ji, the Spanish translation by Su-Shri Saidde Ji, and the Hebrew translation by Orit San-Gupta Ji.

To learn more about the authors, visit the 'About Us' section at the top. ∼ OM Tat Sat.

योगः समाधिः।

Yoga is Samadhi

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