Sutra 2.23

स्वस्वामिशक्त्योः स्वरूपोपलब्धिहेतुः संयोगः।

Sva-svāmi-śhaktyoḥ svarūpopalabdhi-hetuḥ saṁyogaḥ


Sutra 2.23
Sva-svāmi-śhaktyoḥ svarūpopalabdhi-hetuḥ saṁyogaḥ

sva :
own, object possessed
svāmin : owner, possessor, master
śhaktyoḥ : of the [two] forces – of the two forces, viz. owned (buddhi, and the objects reflected therein), and, of the owner (self-consciousness principle)
sva-rūpa : own nature, form
upa-labdhi : finding, realization
hetuḥ : cause, precedent, purpose, means, instrument – the cause of the realization of [their] own nature
saṁyogaḥ : union

Sutra Meaning : 
The union of the force of the owned [puruṣha’s possessions: buddhi and the reflections falling therein], and the force of the master (puruṣa) has only one end: the realization of the true nature [whereupon the union ceases].

सूत्र २.२३
स्वस्वामिशक्त्योः स्वरूपोपलब्धिहेतुः संयोगः।

पदच्छेद एवं शब्दार्थ –
 स्व + स्वामिन् + शक्त्योः :
स्वशक्ति (दृश्य) एवं स्वामिशक्ति (द्रष्टा)
स्वरूप : स्वरूप (की)
उपलब्धि : ज्ञान
हेतुः : के लिये
संयोगः : संयोग (होता है)॥

स्वशक्ति (दृश्य) एवं स्वामिशक्ति (द्रष्टा) के स्वरूप ज्ञान के लिये (ही) संयोग (होता है)।

Sutra 2.23
Sva-svāmi-śhaktyoḥ svarūpopalabdhi-hetuḥ saṁyogaḥ

Sutra Meaning : 
L’unione della forza di ciò che è possedutoi [i possedimenti di puruṣha: Buddhi e le riflessioni che vi cadono all’interno], e la forza del maestro (Puruṣha) ha un solo fine: la realizzazione della vera natura [dopo di che l’unione cessa].

Sutra 2.23
Sva-svāmi-śhaktyoḥ svarūpopalabdhi-hetuḥ saṁyogaḥ

sva: propio, objeto poseído
svāmin: a quién pertenece
śhaktyoḥ: de ambas fuerzas (objeto poseído y poseedora)
sva-rūpa: propia naturaleza, forma
upa-labdhi: encuentra realización
hetuḥ: causa, precedente, propósito, la causa de realización de su propia naturaleza.
saṁyogaḥ: unión

Sutra Meaning :
El fin/intención de la unión entre lo percibido y quien percibe es que quien observa revele la conciencia de su verdadera naturaleza y poder [con lo cual cesa la unión]

Sutra 2.23
Sva-svāmi-śhaktyoḥ svarūpopalabdhi-hetuḥ saṁyogaḥ

החיבור-לכאורה הוא הסיבה למודעות לצורה האמיתית של כוחות אדון ונתין.

YOGA is a gradual transition from becoming to BEING, a journey from constantly striving and transforming to a state of PRESENCE & STILLNESS.

~ Vimal Sharma


Visit Any Sutra in Sadhana Pada

The English translation of the Yoga Sutras offered above is authored by H.H. Swami Veda Bharati Ji, with the Hindi translation and Sutra Chanting by Shri Vimal Sharma Ji, the Italian translation by Shri Simone Carbonadri Ji, the Spanish translation by Su-Shri Saidde Ji, and the Hebrew translation by Orit San-Gupta Ji.

To learn more about the authors, visit the 'About Us' section at the top. ∼ OM Tat Sat.

योगः समाधिः।

Yoga is Samadhi

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