Sutra 3.10
तस्य प्रशांतवाहिता संस्कारात्
Tasya praśāntavāhitā saṁskārāt
Sutra 3.10
Tasya praśāntavāhitā saṁskārāt
tasya : of mind (at that stage)
praśhānta : calm
vāhitā : flowing(ness)
saṁskārāt : through the force of saṁskāra
Sutra Meaning :
The mind-field at that stage flows calm through the force of that cessation-propensity.
सूत्र ३.१०
तस्य प्रशान्तवाहिता संस्कारात्
पदच्छेद एवं शब्दार्थ –
तस्य : उस (निरोधपरिणाम को प्राप्त हुए चित्त) की
प्रशान्त + वाहिता : स्थिर, शान्त-प्रवाह वाली स्थिति (होती है)
संस्कारात् : (निरोध) संस्कार (के प्रभाव) से॥
सूत्रार्थ –
उस (निरोधपरिणाम को प्राप्त हुए चित्त) की, (निरोध) संस्कार (के प्रभाव) से, स्थिर, अथवा शान्त-प्रवाह वाली स्थिति (होती है)।
Sutra 3.10
Tasya praśāntavāhitā saṁskārāt
Sutra meaning :
Il campo mentale in quella fase scorre calmo attraverso la forza di quella propensione alla cessazione.
Sutra 3.10
Tasya praśāntavāhitā saṁskārāt
Sutra meaning :
הזרימה הרגועה של זו [נובעת] מהטבעות [הבלימה]
YOGA is a gradual transition from becoming to BEING, a journey from constantly striving and transforming to a state of PRESENCE & STILLNESS.
~ Vimal Sharma
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The English translation of the Yoga Sutras offered above is authored by H.H. Swami Veda Bharati Ji, with the Hindi translation and Sutra Chanting by Shri Vimal Sharma Ji, the Italian translation by Shri Simone Carbonadri Ji, the Spanish translation by Su-Shri Saidde Ji, and the Hebrew translation by Orit San-Gupta Ji.
To learn more about the authors, visit the 'About Us' section at the top. ∼ OM Tat Sat.
योगः समाधिः।
Yoga is Samadhi

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