Sutra 3.21
कायरूपसंयमात् तद्ग्राह्यशक्तिस्तंभे चक्षुः प्रकाशासंप्रयोगेऽन्तर्धानम्
Kāya-rūpa-saṁyamāt tad-grāhya-śhaktistambhe cakṣhuḥ prakāśhāsaṁprayoge-‘ntardhānam
Sutra 3.21
Kāya-rūpa-saṁyamāt tad-grāhya-śhaktistambhe cakṣhuḥ
kāya : (on) body’s
rūpa : form, configuration
saṁyamāt : through samyama
tat : by that
grāhya : graspable, apprehensible
śhakti : power’s
stambhe : upon arresting
cakṣhus : (of) eye (and)
prakāśha : light
a-saṁyoge : non-union, absence of contact
antardhānam : disappearance
Sutra Meaning :
Through samyama on the body’s configuration when (the yogi) brings to arrest the power of (the body’s) being an object of apprehension, there is then (stoppage of) contact with the light in other’s eyes, so (the yogi) accomplishes (the power of) becoming invisible.
By samyama on the body the yogi arrests its power of graspability (being visible) and, thereby preventing the contact with it of the light of other’s eyes, he becomes invisible.
सूत्र ३.२१
कायरूपसंयमात् तद्ग्राह्यशक्तिस्तम्भे चक्षुःप्रकाशासंप्रयोगेऽन्तर्धानम्
पदच्छेद एवं शब्दार्थ –
काय + रूप + संयमात् : (अपने) शरीर के रूप में संयम करने से
तत् : उस (शरीर के रूप) की
ग्राह्य + शक्ति + स्तम्भे : ग्राह्य शक्ति रोक ली जाती है
चक्षुस् + प्रकाश + असंप्रयोगे : (तब दूसरों के) चक्षु इन्द्रिय के प्रकाश का (योगी के शरीर के रूप के साथ) सम्बन्ध न होने से
अन्तर्धानम् : (योगी का शरीर) अन्तर्हित या अदृश्य हो जाता है ॥
सूत्रार्थ –
शरीर के रूप में संयम करने से उस (शरीर के रूप) की ग्राह्य शक्ति रोक ली जाती है, तब/उससे (दूसरों के) चक्षु इन्द्रिय के प्रकाश का (योगी के शरीर के रूप के साथ) सम्बन्ध न होने से (योगी का शरीर) अन्तर्धान या अदृश्य हो जाता है ।
Sutra 3.21
Kāya-rūpa-saṁyamāt tad-grāhya-śhaktistambhe cakṣhuḥ
Sutra meaning :
Attraverso Samyama sulla configurazione del corpo quando (lo yogi) porta ad arrestare il potere di (del corpo) essere un oggetto di apprensione, c’è poi (arresto di) contatto con la luce negli occhi di altri, così (lo yogi) opera (il potere di) diventando invisibile.
Con Samyama sul corpo lo yogi arresta il suo potere di afferrare (essendo visibile) e, impedendo così il contatto con esso della luce degli occhi dell’altro, diventa invisibile.
Sutra 3.21
Kāya-rūpa-saṁyamāt tad-grāhya-śhaktistambhe cakṣhuḥ
Sutra meaning :
היותך בלתי נראה – על ידי סאמיאמה בצורת הגוף, ובעצירת היכולת להיתפס על ידי ניתוק החיבור בין האור [הבוקע מגופך] לעין
YOGA is a gradual transition from becoming to BEING, a journey from constantly striving and transforming to a state of PRESENCE & STILLNESS.
~ Vimal Sharma
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The English translation of the Yoga Sutras offered above is authored by H.H. Swami Veda Bharati Ji, with the Hindi translation and Sutra Chanting by Shri Vimal Sharma Ji, the Italian translation by Shri Simone Carbonadri Ji, the Spanish translation by Su-Shri Saidde Ji, and the Hebrew translation by Orit San-Gupta Ji.
To learn more about the authors, visit the 'About Us' section at the top. ∼ OM Tat Sat.
योगः समाधिः।
Yoga is Samadhi

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